You are here: Distribution > Command and Control > File Watch Scripts
File Watch Scripts

The File Watch tab allows you to associate a command and control script with the creation of deletion of a file. It doesn't matter what's contained in the file, only looks to see if the file exists or not.

 To create a new file watch trigger:

1.The playback for which you want to define events has to be on air. Select it in the On Air drop-down menu (top right). Also select it in the Editing drop-down menu (top left).

2.Go to File > Advanced On-Air playback Settings.

3.Select the File Watch Tab.,

4.Press the ‘add’ button, and then browse to the file that you want to monitor in the directory you want to monitor it in.

5.Choose either ' created' to trigger when the file appears in the specified directory, or ' deleted' to trigger when the file disappears from the specified directory.

6.Either press the 'browse' button and select an existing command and control script, or enter a name (no spaces or punctuation) for a 'new' script and press the edit button. Follow the instructions in Create and Edit a Command and Control Script below.